ClickCease Liposuction Phoenix | Surgical Fat Removal In Scottsdale AZ
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Liposuction in Scottsdale & Phoenix: Dr. Jonathan Weinrach

Liposuction is a safe, popular, and common cosmetic surgical procedure designed to help people improve the shape and figure of their body by addressing stubborn areas of fat.  Looking at yourself in the mirror and noticing these areas can be very frustrating and lead to a loss in self-esteem and overall confidence.  Common treatment areas include the neck, abdomen, “muffin top”, flanks, “love handles”, back, arms, thighs, hips, and male breast.  Although a healthy diet and exercise are two great ways to maintain a slim and toned body,  stubborn pockets of fat can persist.  Liposuction, also known as lipo and liposculpture,  is the perfect solution.

For more comprehensive aesthetic transformations, Jonathan C. Weinrach, MD FACS often combines liposuction with other cosmetic procedures, including facelift or tummy tuck.

If you notice stubborn areas of fat in the mirror that need some attention, Dr. Weinrach can help you achieve the body of your dreams.  Learn more about the process of liposuction and schedule a consultation at our beautiful office in Scottsdale, AZ.

Is Liposuction The Right Procedure For Me?

Liposuction is designed to be a body contouring procedure;  it is not a good method for weight loss.  The upper limit of fat that can be safely removed during a liposuction case is around 5 liters or about 10 pounds.   It is much better to  consider liposuction as a treatment for stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to exercise and healthy diet.  Liposuction will not correct significant amounts of loose, sagging skin or stretch marks.  Advanced issues with skin tone require excisional procedures such as tummy tuck, body lift, or arm lift surgery.

The best candidates for liposuction are people with stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise, who are in good health and have tone skin without stretch marks.

The best way to determine if liposuction is right for you is to have a thorough consultation with double board certified Scottsdale plastic surgeon Jonathan C Weinrach MD FACS.

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Make your aesthetic goals a reality. Jonathan C. Weinrach, MD FACS and his team look forward to exceeding your expectations. Schedule a personalized consult with Dr. Weinrach by clicking below.

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Want to learn more?

Make your aesthetic goals a reality. Jonathan C. Weinrach, MD FACS and his team look forward to exceeding your expectations. Schedule a personalized consult with Dr. Weinrach by clicking below.

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The Liposuction Procedure Process

Liposuction is done at fully accredited surgical facilities using board certified anesthesiologists. General anesthesia is almost always used; this allows for absolutely no discomfort during the procedure and creates superior outcomes. This is very important for producing the best liposuction results possible. Attempting significant liposuction under local anesthesia as a “lunchtime” type of procedure is a common cause of disappointing results that Dr. Weinrach sees from other practices.  

Very small areas can be successfully treated with local anesthesia in the office and is perfectly acceptable. Mild oral sedation can be added as well.

Jonathan C. Weinrach, MD FACS has tremendous experience with a variety of liposuction techniques. Some of the more common techniques include:

SAFELipo® is the latest technique for fat removal.  SAFE stands for Separation, Aspiration, Fat Equalization. As with standard liposuction, tumescent fluid is placed into the area of fat to be treated. A cannula with a special tip is then passed into the area to mechanically and safely separate the fat from small blood vessels and nerves in the area, leaving them protected and unharmed. A smaller cannula is then used as in standard liposuction to gently suction and removed the emulsified fat. At this point, the area is then smoothed out with another specialized cannula with a special tip created for this purpose. This technique gives excellent protection to blood vessels and nerves, while focusing on removing only unwanted fat, and leaving smooth natural contours, minimizing the chance for contour irregularities. This has become the best method for accomplishing fat removal in Dr. Weinrach’s opinion.

As with Standard Liposuction, Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction or UAL begins with the placement of tumescent solution into the area of fat to be removed. A cannula connected to an ultrasound generator is then placed into the area of fat to be removed. This allows the application of high energy ultrasound to the fat, which liquifies it and makes it easier to remove. A regular cannula attached to suction is then placed into the area to suction out the liquified fat. Heat generated from the ultrasound is also thought to stimulate contraction of the skin.  Common ultrasound assisted liposuction systems include VASER and Lysonix.

Tumescent solution is first injected into the planned area of fat to be removed. Tumescent solution contains mostly salt water, but also contains local anesthetic which diminishes discomfort, as well as epinephrine, which greatly reduces blood loss. It is this solution that dramatically increases the safety of liposuction. After the solution is placed, a cannula connected to suction is passed back and forth into the area to be treated, which removes the unwanted fat. 

SmartLipo is a brand name for Laser Assisted Liposuction. The idea behind this method of liposuction was to use a cannula with a laser at the tip to liquify the fat first before suctioning it out. Studies have not shown better results with laser assisted liposuction compared to the other methods. In addition to using a laser to liquify fat, the SmartLipo technique involves passing the laser very close to the underside of the skin in order to stimulate skin contraction by applying heat to it. We have certainly seen reports of patients sustaining significant burns from this technique. As it appears that there is increased risk with no clear benefit, Dr. Weinrach does not recommend laser assisted liposuction.

Liposuction (SAFELipo) Patient Testimonial

Dr. Weinrach

Dr. Weinrach is dedicated to helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals through an individualized approach to patient care and commitment to safety. His extensive experience and unique skill set produces long-lasting, natural looking results.

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Getting Back To Normal After Liposuction

Dr. Weinrach will encourage you to walk as soon as possible after liposuction. Treated areas can have some mild to moderate discomfort, similar to the feeling after a strenuous workout.  Compression garments are usually worn around the clock for two weeks, and then at night for another two weeks.  Depending on the extent of the surgery, you can usually return to work in anywhere from one to seven days.

It is important to avoid strenuous exercise or activity for about one month after surgery.  This rest period gives your body ample time to heal.   The vast majority of bruising and swelling disappears within a few weeks.  Some mild swelling might be noticeable for up to several months after the procedure.

There are no sutures to remove.  Sutures are not used for liposuction incisions.

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Your New Look: Is it Permanent?

Jonathan C. Weinrach, MD FACS has countless patients who are extremely satisfied with the end results of liposuction.  Men and women feel better about their bodies while enjoying a greater range of clothing sizes and styles.

To maintain these positive changes, it is important to stay healthy and fit.  While liposuction does permanently remove fat cells, the fat cells that remain can grow if diet is poor.  A combination of aerobic and muscle-building exercise helps maintain a body that is fit and tone. 

Ready To Tone Your Body? Arrange A Liposuction Consultation With Jonathan C. Weinrach, MD FACS

Feel good about your body by removing unwanted fat that is resistant to diet and exercise.  Dr. Jonathan Weinrach is an experienced plastic surgeon who has performed countless successful liposuction procedures.  Dr. Weinrach is known for his kind and compassionate personality.  People who schedule a consultation at Weinrach Plastic Surgery feel right at home in our welcoming atmosphere.  Call us at (480) 634-6014 to schedule a consultation today!

Liposuction FAQs

This is variable and depends on the complexity of the case.  Patients with larger volumes of fat to remove, or in multiple areas that require position changes take more time in the operating room to complete the surgery than patients with smaller volumes of fat to remove.  The reality is that the operating room staff, nurses, and anesthesiologists are all paid by the hour.  The longer the surgery takes, the more it costs.  In order to give you an accurate cost, a consultation will be needed in order to evaluate your situation and determine how long your surgery will take.

As with any liposuction procedure, mild to moderate bruising and swelling can occur.  Compression garments are worn around the clock except to shower for two weeks, then at night only for another two weeks.

Good candidates for liposuction are people with stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.  Liposuction is meant to be a body contouring procedure, and not meant to be a significant weight loss procedure.   It is best for safety reasons to limit the amount of fat removed during an outpatient procedure to around five liters or less, which equals approximately 10 lbs.

This depends on the volume of fat to be removed.  Very small areas can take a few minutes to do in the office under local anesthesia; more commonly larger areas are done in the operating room and can take approximately one to three hours depending on the volume and location of fat to be removed.

Usually a compression garment is worn on the treated areas for a couple weeks, then at night only for another couple weeks.  Activity is kept light for the first two weeks. You can shower the day after surgery. Liposuction is not a very painful procedure; some patients equate the discomfort to the feeling they have after doing an intense workout to the area.

Fat that is removed is permanent.  However significant weight can cause remaining fat cells in the treated areas to grow.  The best way to maintain your result as long as possible is to make sure your weight is stable before surgery, and avoid significant weight changes after surgery.

It is important to closely follow all of Dr. Weinrach’s pre and post-operative instructions given to you after your consultation.  To maximize the chance of a long-lasting result, it is best to be at a stable weight before surgery.  You should also refrain from all herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory medication for at least 2 weeks before surgery unless specifically recommended otherwise by Dr. Weinrach.    Management of prescription medications is individually planned; consultation with Dr. Weinrach with your prescribing physician is required for prescription medication recommendations.

Ideal SAFELipo candidates are in good health, have good skin elasticity, and wish to contour a large area. Their primary objective is improving body contour and not weight loss. As with any liposuction technique, SAFELipo is for fat removal and not for correcting significant skin laxity or cellulite.

For safety reasons, Dr. Weinrach limits fat removal using SAFELipo or any other liposuction technique to five liters, producing weight loss of approximately ten pounds.

-SAFELipo can remove large areas of unwanted fat safely and efficiently.

-This procedure has a much lower chance of uneven fat distribution, skin dimpling, or other textural abnormalities sometimes seen after standard liposuction. Unlike laser liposuction, SAFELipo cannot burn the skin, because it does not generate any heat.

-SAFELipo does not damage aspirated fat, so fat can be preserved for transfer.

-SAFELipo can be combined with abdominoplasty for a dramatic improvement in abdominal contour. This combined approach has a patient satisfaction rate of over 99%, according to a study published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2012.

-SAFELipo is highly effective for removing dense fat found along the flanks and male breasts.

The only disadvantage of SAFELipo compared to other liposuction techniques is possibly a slightly longer operating time.  This is due to the Separation and Fat Equalization steps that the other techniques do not utilize.  However, the tradeoff is better, smoother contour with less risk of skin irregularities.

As with standard liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) begins with the placement of tumescent solution into the area of fat to be removed. A cannula connected to an ultrasonic probe is then inserted below the skin. This allows the application of high energy ultrasound to the fat, which liquifies it and makes it easier to remove via suction. Common ultrasound-assisted liposuction systems include VASER and Lysonix.

VASER liposuction is suitable for patients of all ages who are looking for a safer, gentler alternative to tumescent and laser-assisted liposuction. Like laser liposuction, VASER may stimulate skin contraction. It may be an effective choice for patients with mild skin excess and good skin tone.

VASER liposuction can safely remove up to five liters of fat, which translates to about 10 pounds of weight loss.

As with any liposuction procedure, mild to moderate bruising and swelling can occur.  Compression garments are worn around the clock except to shower for two weeks, then at night only for another two weeks. 

-VASER UAL has been proven to tighten the skin, thereby preventing skin laxity following fat removal. As noted in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, “The VASER-assisted liposuction method demonstrated a 53% improvement in skin retraction per cc of aspirate removed relative to the traditional SAL method.”

-Ultrasonic energy warms tissue more gently and evenly than laser energy, without damaging nearby skin or blood vessels. As such, VASER carries a much lower risk of burning than laser-assisted liposuction.

-VASER has a very high rate of patient satisfaction; over 90% of patients report being very happy with the results of their UAL procedure.

-Fat cells harvested using UAL can be preserved for injection into other parts of the body (fat transfer).

The only drawback to VASER liposuction is its slightly increased operating time compared to standard tumescent liposuction.  This is due to the extra step of applying the ultrasound energy which standard tumescent liposuction does not use.

Dr. Weinrach does not recommend SmartLipo for anyone.

The upper limit for safe fat removal in an outpatient setting using any liposuction technique is five liters or about 10 pounds.

Compared to other liposuction techniques, SmartLipo offers no advantage in Dr. Weinrach’s opinion.

The intense heat produced by laser cannulas can cause burns; for this reason, Dr. Weinrach does not recommend SMARTLipo.  
