ClickCease Breast Asymmetry Case 7442 | Weinrach Plastic Surgery: Dr. Jonathan Weinrach
Happy excited woman in the desert


Breast Case 7442



This is a 70 year old woman who had a breast augmentation approximately 2 years ago by another surgeon.  She had a 695cc Allergan Natrelle Cohesive implant on the right side, and a 605cc Cohesive implant on the Left side.  The implants “bottomed out” fairly rapidly, much worse on the left than the right.  Her original surgeon repaired this with the addition of Strattice; however she bottomed out again in about 6 months.  Her implants also touched in the middle when wearing a bra.  These issues are also known as inferior implant malposition, as well as symmastia. Dr. Weinrach was able to reposition her implants, and repaired and reinforced the pockets with Galaflex.  Galaflex is a surgical scaffold that absorbs over time, and leaves behind tissue that is stronger. This creates an “internal bra”, and adds strength to the tissues. After pictures are about 1 year postoperative.
