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Tummy Tuck for a Sculpted Abdomen

Tummy Tuck for a Sculpted Abdomen

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Tummy Tuck In Scottsdale and phoenix– Weinrach Plastic Surgery

Are you frustrated by lingering abdominal fat and excess skin, despite your healthy lifestyle and exercise routine? Aging, pregnancy, and weight loss can all contribute to this challenge. Achieving a flat and well-toned abdomen is a common goal for many women who may feel disappointed with their sagging bodies.

If you are seeking a solution to flatten your abdomen and slim your waist, look no further than Jonathan Weinrach, MD, FACS. Trust Dr. Weinrach for a beautiful tummy tuck in Scottsdale and Phoenix, AZ. An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is a popular surgical procedure that tightens abdominal muscles and eliminates unwanted skin and tissue around the stomach area.

Who Should Get A Tummy Tuck? (Abdominoplasty)

Ideal candidates for a tummy tuck are individuals in good health who wish to tighten their abdominal muscles and eliminate excess sagging skin and stretch marks. Suitable candidates are those without significant medical conditions and who do not smoke.

Smoking poses risks due to nicotine, which narrows blood vessels and reduces blood flow and oxygen delivery to healing tissues. Additionally, carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke hinders oxygen absorption by tissues. These factors significantly increase the chances of complications, such as non-healing and tissue loss. It is important to note that other nicotine-containing products, including patches, gums, and vaping, should also be avoided in combination with abdominoplasty.

The safety of marijuana use during plastic surgery remains unknown and is strongly discouraged.

After pregnancy, it is quite common to have excess skin and fat. The stretching of abdominal muscles and skin during pregnancy may not fully recover after delivery. If you are planning on having another pregnancy, it is recommended to postpone tummy tuck surgery. Another pregnancy can further stretch the abdominal muscles and skin, affecting the results of the surgery. Dr. Weinrach also advises waiting until any planned weight loss is completed before considering a tummy tuck.

For individuals with smaller amounts of extra skin or fat in the lower abdomen, a mini tummy tuck, or mini abdominoplasty, may be more suitable. This procedure is faster, does not require an incision around the navel, and involves a shorter downtime and recovery. So, if you are looking for a tummy tuck option, consider discussing the possibility of a mini abdominoplasty with your doctor.  

Abdominoplasty should not be considered as a replacement for a well-rounded exercise regimen and weight loss. It is important to note that undergoing a tummy tuck while significantly overweight can raise the risk factor and may lead to less than optimal outcomes. However, if you are dealing with excess fat in the flanks or love handles, it is possible to address this issue effectively through liposuction in combination with abdominoplasty. While it is true that tummy tucks do result in scars, rest assured that Dr. Weinrach is a skilled professional who excels in creating incisions that can be easily covered by most clothing and bathing suits.

Tummy Tuck Patient Testimonials

How A Tummy Tuck Works: Producing A Flatter And Younger-Looking Torso

A full tummy tuck typically lasts around three hours, while a mini tummy tuck can usually be done within one to two hours. If liposuction is part of the plan, additional time may be required. The surgery is conducted under general anesthesia and is customized to meet the individual needs and desires of each patient.

To initiate the procedure, incisions are commonly made in the lower abdomen, below the bikini area, as well as around the belly button. In the case of a full abdominoplasty, the incision may extend from hip to hip. Once the incisions are made, the abdominal wall’s underlying muscles are accessed by separating the skin and fat. Sutures are then used to tighten and refine the waistline. For enhanced comfort, a long-lasting local anesthetic called EXPAREL® is injected, providing relief for up to three days.

Following muscle tightening and contouring, excess skin is removed, and the incisions are meticulously closed and dressed.

Dr. Jonathan Weinrach prioritizes the safety of his patients above all else.  Dr. Weinrach operates exclusively at surgery centers that are fully accredited. Rest assured that anesthesia during these procedures is administered by a highly qualified board certified anesthesiologist. Your safety is in good hands with Dr. Weinrach.

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Make your aesthetic goals a reality. Jonathan C. Weinrach, MD FACS and his team look forward to exceeding your expectations. Schedule a personalized consult with Dr. Weinrach by clicking below.

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Want to learn more?

Make your aesthetic goals a reality. Jonathan C. Weinrach, MD FACS and his team look forward to exceeding your expectations. Schedule a personalized consult with Dr. Weinrach by clicking below.

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What You Should Expect After A Tummy Tuck

There may be mild swelling after tummy tuck. After the procedure, you are closely monitored by a registered nurse, as well as the anesthesiologist.  Dr. Weinrach is always available as well.   Most patients are able to return home a few hours after surgery, but in some cases it is better to stay overnight in the surgical center to recover.

While surgery can be uncomfortable, post-operation pain is greatly reduced by EXPAREL®, a long-lasting local anesthetic. Dr. Weinrach will give you instructions on how to properly care for any dressings.  There are usually no sutures to remove after the surgery.

After abdominoplasty, it is important to try to get up and walk around as soon as you are able to do so, starting on the day of surgery. During the first few days after surgery, moving around may be slightly uncomfortable.  Taking it slow and resting for a few days should give your muscles time to heal and relax.

The vast majority of people are able to return to a normal routine in about two weeks and can often start normal exercise within two months after surgery. During the recovery period, it is important to avoid strenuous activity and lifting heavy items.

Dr. Weinrach will always answer any questions you have about the recovery process. He will monitor your recovery and let you know when it is safe to return to work, resume normal daily activities, and start exercising again.

The recovery process will be greatly expedited if you are in good physical shape before an abdominoplasty. Scars will eventually fade in appearance. During a tummy tuck, Dr. Weinrach plans carefully to make sure scars are as minimal and hidden as possible.

A tummy tuck is an effective way to give your torso a whole new look by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the abdominal muscles. The vast majority of procedures produce long-lasing results that leave patients highly satisfied. The best results will be seen in patients who combine the procedure with a good diet and regular exercise.

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Dr. Weinrach

Dr. Weinrach is dedicated to helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals through an individualized approach to patient care and commitment to safety. His extensive experience and unique skill set produces long-lasting, natural looking results.

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Tummy Tuck In Scottsdale and phoenix – Contact Weinrach Plastic Surgery!

Are you looking for a beautiful new figure and renewed confidence in your body? The easiest way to learn more about how an effective tummy tuck can tighten the abdominal muscles and remove extra skin and fat is to schedule a consultation with Weinrach Plastic Surgery. In a personal tummy tuck consultation with Dr. Weinrach, he will evaluate your health and examine your skin and muscle tone to recommend a plan that will give you the best body possible.

Our office will also provide information about anesthesia, the cost of the procedure, the location of surgical facilities, and all pre and post operative activity and medication instructions.

Women travel from all over the United States and Canada to have their Tummy Tuck with Dr. Weinrach.  We also enjoy seeing patients from  many other countries all over the world. Call our office in Scottsdale at (480) 634-6014 to set up an initial consultation to see if a tummy tuck is right for you. You can also book an appointment online with our contact form. We look forward to helping you!

Tummy Tuck faqs

Tummy Tuck: $14,600
Mini Tummy Tuck: $8,500
Tummy Tuck with Liposuction of Flanks: $17,900
Tummy Tuck with Liposuction of Abdomen and Flanks: $20,500

Mini Tummy Tuck with Liposuction of Abdomen and Flanks: $14,400 

*Above prices include facility, anesthesia, overnight stay and surgeon fees. Prices are estimates based on average cases. Any individual case could cost more or less; a consultation is needed to best determine cost.

Light activity is recommended for the first week after tummy-tuck.  Activity is gradually increased over the next several weeks.  It is recommended to refrain from abdominal exercise or lifting heavy weights for six weeks after tummy tuck.

A mini tummy tuck addresses laxity of the abdominal muscles and extra skin below the belly button only.  A full tummy tuck addresses laxity of the abdominal muscles and extra skin both above and below the belly button.

Drains may not be needed for tummy tuck surgery.  A drainless tummy tuck refers to a tummy tuck without the use of drains.  The use of drains is to prevent fluid from collecting under the abdominal skin.  However, modern tummy tuck techniques which lower the chance of fluid collection frequently allow for a drainless tummy tuck.   

Almost all tummy-tuck surgery involves some degree of swelling;  however every patient is different, and some patients develop minimal swelling and some have more.  Swelling resolves with time, typically in days to weeks.

Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is not meant to be a weight loss procedure.  In fact, the procedure will be much less risky and the result will be much better if extra weight is lost first before having a tummy tuck.

It is normal to have a tight feeling in the abdomen after tummy-tuck.  Moving is encouraged and recommended, especially walking often.  This is very good for maintaining good circulation in the legs after surgery. 

Sutures for tummy tuck are absorbable and do not need to be removed after surgery.

This depends on the type of work that you do, as well as the extent of the procedure that is done.  Patients with sedentary types of jobs who have smaller amounts of excess skin to remove can be back to work in a week or less.  More physically active types of work can require longer time off.  Massive weight loss patients who have very large excesses of skin to remove will likely need longer time off as well – could be two weeks or even longer in some cases.

Very light activity such as walking is recommended for the first week after tummy-tuck.  Aerobic activity can gradually be increased after the first week.  No lifting of weights or resistance type of exercise involving the abdomen recommended until 6 weeks after surgery. 

It is recommended if possible to have abdominoplasty after all pregnancies are completed as pregnancy can and will stretch out the abdominal wall muscles and skin again.  If you do become pregnant, depending on your genetics, your tissues may or not return to their pre-pregnancy state.  It could become necessary to have another tummy-tuck to correct pregnancy related laxity.

While there are countless types of insurance plans, to the best of our knowledge the great majority if not all of them will not cover the costs of tummy tuck surgery. We are not a contracted provider of any private health insurance plan; we are not able to send insurance companies any requests for coverage or letters of medical necessity in order to obtain insurance authorization.

Liposuction of the abdomen only removes fat.  It does not tighten the abdominal muscles or remove extra skin or stretch marks.  People with excess, stubborn fat but good abdominal and skin tone are good candidates for liposuction only.   If weak, lax abdominal muscles, excess skin and stretch marks are the problem, then Tummy Tuck corrects these problems.

More information about abdominoplasty can be found here: Tummy Tuck additional info

Dr. Weinrach has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.
